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Old 24-08-2010, 09:53 AM
cameltoemcgee cameltoemcgee is offline
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Originally Posted by Kato View Post
You really need to lay down the crack pipe.
Instead of insulting me and implying that i'm crazy, why wouldn't you check to see if what i'm saying has any credibility? find out where the funding for both you're major parties comes from... its not that hard. Thought this was interestingly relevant to you're post as it certainly was what i intended to do in the reply to you're post:

Common Sheeple Arguments
Below are listed some of the most often uttered sheeple arguments, as well as the rational responses to them.

1) The NWO/Globalist government is just a “conspiracy theory”: Set aside the fact that politicians and leaders of finance talk about the New World Order constantly in speeches, books, and on nighttime television. The temptation here is to push the sheeple label and start a battle of insults. When someone accuses you of “conspiracy theory” what they are really saying is that you are a liar, crazy, or both. Of course, calling someone a liar or crazy does not negate their arguments. Hollow character attacks like this are meant to interfere or defuse legitimate and logical discussion. Force the sheeple to address the information you present instead of allowing them to make your personal character the subject of the debate. This rule goes for you too. Don’t just call them sheeple without backing up your claims and pointing out the inconsistencies in their beliefs.

Its an exerpt from a blog explaining the different mindsets and arguments encountered when trying to inform people of the truth about whats really going on. So! heres my proposal:
You show me you're evidence, i'll show you mine and we come to an informed conclusion instead of resorting to namecalling like children.
MY99 EJ205, ~300bhp running at 1.4bar, 12.8 sec quarter mile.