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Old 24-08-2010, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by cameltoemcgee View Post
You mean to say, as long as the "financial system" is in control of our rights, then nothing will change.
I think the vast majority is not aware of what is actually happening. Power certainly does corrupt, those that want to change the world to make it how they see fit will always chase it, and the people who want to just live their lives in peace will not, so the balance is always stacked in favour of the people who chase it.
That doesn't mean its everyones nature, the founding fathers of america put specific instructions in the constitution to stop the people who chase power from gaining too much of it, but sadly those ideals have gone by the wayside due to a myriad of things that have happened, but i think if ever there was a chance at it working and making people aware of it, it would be now, because you're average bloke has access to all the information he could ever need to make an informed decision at his fingertips... until the filter comes in that is....
The vast majority don't want to know though. Human nature won't change - We are for the most part lazy by default. Possibly make voting complusory so those that actually bother to have a say (uneducated or not) have the option?