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Old 24-08-2010, 06:40 PM
rubberbudgie rubberbudgie is offline
Sir AntiLag
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Gotta LOL at the NWO stuff. Sorry to offend but all of the NWO/illuminati/secret society stuff when examined closely usually ends up in an endless loop of fantasy peddled by various church groups in an attempt to try and prove that all of the "prophecies" outlined in Revelations (and various other parts of the bible) are indeed going to happen. Now I'm the first to admit that a lot of what is said to happen/be happening already is remarkably close to the mark but then these are the same people who also say that the world is only 7000 - 10000 years old so it's hard to take what they say seriously.

My parents are born again christians, my Dad was a minister of a church (several churches actually), I went to a christian school all of my school years and I was brought up from a very young age knowing all about the NWO and the illuminati and from my point of view it is just another way to scare people into believing what they want you to believe, and as if a place called hell where you burn in agony for all of eternity isn't scary enough.

My advice is to live your life as best as you can and make the most of the time you have been given rather than worrying about something which as Kato said you have no control over even if it were true. And if anything, be thankful that you have the time and ability to even be able to concern yourselves with such things, because for the vast majority of people on this earth their main concern is where they are going to find their next meal, or whether or not their kids will even make it to adulthood before war, famine or disease gets to them first.

/end soapbox
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