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Old 20-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Gaijin Gaijin is offline
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Default iPhone Repair

iMPREZUH, didn't see this message until just now. I've got an iPhone repair business, we're open Sunday's too :P Might still be able to help you with your iPhone, even if it's in pretty bad condition.

Looks like SN4P2ND who also repairs them is in Dianella. I'm in South Perth, right next to Canning Hwy. So if you are South of the River it would be very convenient for you.

Our standard price for an iPhone 3G or 3GS Touchscreen is $95.
Forum members get a discounted price of $90, which is cheaper than you'll find virutally anywhere. It's also a while you wait service, so if it's not busy it only takes about 15 minutes to fully install a new screen.

We also replace LCDs, batteries etc.

My number is 0405-577-285. I'm happy to look at your iPhone for you, open it up and see if it can be fixed.
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