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Old 11-12-2010, 08:49 PM
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Cool My "FUN" Wednesday... Thanks Ford!

So I was heading to Perth on Wednesday afternoon to meet my fiance before we went to the Bon Jovi concert. Running early, I decided to kill some time and headed up through Freo and up Stirling Hwy through Mosman Park/Cott.

As I was coming down the hill passed Matilda Bay Brewery etc I noticed a metal ping kind of noise, but only the once, so I figured it was something flinging up from the road.

Next thing I stopped at Wellington St/Stirling Hwy lights in Mosman Park, light go green, I take off (easily mind you, not beltring it) and at about 20kph I heard the loudest, most agressive bang I've ever heard in my driving life.

Instantly I had no drive and figured the diff, driveshaft or something in the drivetrain had given up and I managed to roll up onto the verge.

It was 3:30ish and I was frantically trying to get a tow to my chosen Ford Dealer in Rockingham so I could still make it to Bon Jovi. Finally I managed to get a tow, my mrs picked me up and we followed the truck to Challenger Ford and rushed back to Perth just in time for the first song of the concert! Phew!!

Anyway, got a call from Ford on Thursday and went in yesterday to grab some quick phone pics.... SHEARED the tailshaft in two!! They've found the inside of the shaft had rust and must have been moist at assembly and developed more and more until a weak spot formed and the tailshaft just ripped itself in two with the torque!! A new one's on its way from the east and it'll hopefully be back on the road at the end of next week.

Just thought I'd share my "fun" Wednesday with you all.


Enjoy ---


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