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Old 03-01-2011, 12:54 AM
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mARC mARC is offline
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If you refer to what Jordie has stated on the report it states 'To be checked', they aren't really making a claim that the items are aftermarket 'on paper', which is unfortunately all that matters.

Doubt these types of situations are ever going to be rectified as the claims can always be worded in such a way as they have no real meaning.

Would be an interesting News Report though, getting a random selection of Officers to view X sample of vehicles and sticker the appropriate ones. Whilst you wait for a spokes person to state 'Officers aren't deemed to be experts in Motor Vehicles but are trained to look for certain blah blah blahs and help aid in ensuring that they are kept to the strict Australian standards', whilst they cut to some over-exaggerated example of a car below legal ride height with all the Hot 4's trimmings.

All the baby-boomers get behind them and case closed.

Unsure if you're still on your P's Jordie but unfortunately you're going to be a cop magnet with that type of car whilst you are.

We've all had shitty and good experiences with Police Officers it just would be nice for those that have an ego from it to get over it quickly and do some real policing.

Before you take it over Jordie it might be a good idea to go to a car wash station, jack it up and have a look underneath cleaning it and inspecting it to the best of your abilities. I've been over the pits a few times and noticed that they already have a preconception based on the appearance of your vehicle.

Last edited by mARC; 03-01-2011 at 01:03 AM.