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Old 11-01-2011, 07:13 PM
Potty Training Scoobie Noobie
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VETTETOREX at standard level

Yeah, that's fair enough if it's only a few minutes. I thought by the cuts in the video it was more like 10 mins or so.

I suppose it comes down to assessing the danger and either save some cars or flee (The man with the Patrol was risking it - you don't know what is coming down that river, but if it was your highly tuned STI etc?).

I remember years ago the fire station here always used to do an emergency broadcast test over a massive loudspeaker with a siren and a voice message. Haven't heard it for years. It was like in Seoul or Sydney with their alert system.

I do believe everyone is doing their best, but I thought there would be more alert systems in place, river height sensors, even helicopters/personnel from the army or government giving people some audible warning.

Not everyone is hooked to the radio, TV or Internet. Surely this surge was known to the authorities. Maybe weather interfered - I think I've watched too many BullS**t movies and this is just real life.

Good old fashioned air raid sirens with a message is maybe what people need to stand to attention (or panic). Brisbane is getting plenty of warning.

Good luck to everyone affected and keep your eye out for our own state's bloody ARSONISTS (Will take flood over Fire anyday)!