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Old 12-01-2011, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Kato View Post
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But given the mum will still have to work and it is 50/50 share of the kids, what is the reasoning behind the assets not being split 50/50?

Why can't the dad say he wants the kids 51% (i.e. kids are in his custody) and 80%?

I've always been curious why the kids never go to the custody of the dad and the mum gets the lower %?
Put simply, the courts have no problem letting the mother stay home to raise the kids and not work, so they make the father pay more..


If the father wants full or more custody than the mother, they won't allow him to not work to look after them, and will say he can't raise them properly if he works full time..

not fair in any sense but that's the way the law works....
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