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Old 10-02-2011, 10:13 AM
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Jordiee Jordiee is offline
Subaru Tech Division
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Jordiee at standard level

i was in one of the work utes last winter, sitting in the freezing temperatures at 8:30 in the morning at the intersection of green street and main st intending to go straight on to scabs beach road

the relaxing sound of rain pissing down on the roof was suddenly interrupted by a typically loud v8 deceleration accompanied by the usual backfire(s') associated with a less restrictive exhaust pipe

then all i saw was a flash of yellow in the right hand turning lane as the pos ss ute attempted to make the newly red light presumably by placing his foot on the accelerator pedal and pushing it to the floor (judging by the sideways movement of the back end)

i then watched, as the silly canary ute slid into the power pole on the corner of the intersection, and formed a ring around it (not unlike a donut)

the pole was fine
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