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Old 05-03-2011, 01:59 PM
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axle at standard level

agree with Kato 100%. The people comparing specs are missing the point. Without a mature app store the specs are useless. I have owned an iPhone since the 3G release day in 2008 and have had an android phone for 6 months. Getting the android was the worst thing I have ever done. I now understand the difference in the ideals behind the two platforms. Apple is a commercial OS with a mature and commercial app store (with the occasional fart app). Android is an open source environment that has a great online community for support but really isn't a polished commercial environment. The apps are like the apple app store was 2 years ago with no clear sign of getting better.

I have had an iPad since April last year and love it. Probably won't upgrade just yet.

The best way to look at these devices is a "blank canvas" for software programmers to use however they wish. The strength is in the software not the hardware. In that regard Apple have it all over everyone else. That and Apple has contracts for buying around 60% of the worlds capacitive touch screens that are manufactured, leaving the others to fight for the remaining 40%. Anti competitive -yes, but still good business.
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