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Old 12-03-2011, 01:26 AM
_daz_ _daz_ is offline
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Under the freedom of information act it is possible to obtain any & all information relating to the specific hand held laser/multanova/dash mounted radar that is being used as the tool to convict you, including it's recent testing schedule and testing/calibration/operational requirements, if they have failed to have the unit tested/calibrated/set up properly in the right conditions for operation as required, it is possible to have the charges overturned.

There is a female police officer over east who was charged with speeding at 108kph in a 100 zone by a permanent mounted speed camera..IN HER MARKED PATROL CAR..she is currently taking this case to court maintaining she was driving on cruise control set to below 100kph, after having the cars speedometer laser tested, the in car monitoring/recording devices put forward as evidence, and the testimony of her partner in the vehicle at the time that she was definitely not speeding, and that the camera in question was known to be, and had a history of being, faulty, yet was still issuing fines as a result of it's readings purely for revenue purposes in the hope that the majority of motorists will just pay the fine and not bother going to the effort of contesting it in court - as the readings were below what was required to incur demerit points, but inaccurate enough to implicate motorists only slightly above the limit to be fined a monetary fine.

Both these cases have the potential to shake the system in regards to the fact the cameras are used purely for revenue raising, as well as being quite unreliable and inaccurate if not used within their optimal operating parameters, and have no impact on reducing the road toll. It is not about giving retards who blatantly & recklessly speed on the roads an easy out from fine and/or conviction, but keeping the concept of using the cameras as tools to slow cars down in known fatality areas (mostly country roads according to statistics) rather than them being put in areas where the majority of motorists might strsy a few kph's over the limit (ie halfway down hills) where there is no immediate risk to life or limb of any party involved.
God gave us we could work the pedals properly

That wasn't a U-turn! It was two consecutive right hand turns.
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