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Old 22-03-2011, 11:20 PM
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urabus knows their stuff

Originally Posted by sic-em-wrx View Post
you gotta give the man an "a" for effort, he tried to get further. Some people may not know they arent ready but are keen to learn. Hope karma bites you in the ass.
For what it is worth I liked the guy. He was a bit of a prima donna but he was still young and trying to run before he could walk. He was trying to run a multi million dollar business and he literally could not write a fax or an email. That might have been alright 20 years ago but not anymore. Rather than go back to school he tried to take over the world.

The real reason that I am pissed off is he went and bought some really good jobs that I could of made some money out of but when I saw his prices I very quickly realised that a) there was no way he make a dollar out of the job and b) he had taken on too much work.

Which brings me to my next point. Generally speaking (although I am pretty sure this is the case here to) a lot of people out there have tried to grow their business too fast. They have financed themselves up to the hilt and built this machine that they need to maintain turnover just so they can keep payments up. It is a vicious circle and an incredibly short term view.

As for Karma biting me on the ass, if this is the worst thing I have done or take pleasure in seeing a competitor fall over I think I am going alright.

As for the other staff at this particular organisation I still maintain that anyone in WA who wants a job and is willing to work will get one. Might not be their dream job straight away but at least it will put food on the table. Also the work still has to be done by someone so no doubt whoever picks up the half finished contracts will need additional staff.

Losing is worse than death. You have to live with losing....
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