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Old 06-04-2011, 11:24 AM
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Default Yet another battery / brant issue

Due to not being able to drive a manual for the past month and the next, the Version 6 has been sitting there doing nothing. I figured I better kick it over but looks like I left it to long. Car is dead in the water.

Alarm doesn't work and car doesn't even kick over. The battery is an Optima which previous owner installed. I don't have jumper leads (stolen) so dug out the battery charger and hooked that up for a while.

The keypad has come to life ...... sort of. The number 1 stays lit. I have searched here and tried the disconnect battery, turn key, connect battery and that doesn't work.

I press the 1 and the countdown sequence comes on and holding 3 doesn't help either.

I don't know what else to do apart from leaving the charger on a bit longer.

Is there anyone that can help? Even free to come help me in Kingsley who knows what they are doing?

Respect Mya Authoritaaaaaa!!!
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