Thread: Radar / Laser
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Old 18-06-2006, 06:35 PM
aircoolhead aircoolhead is offline
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aircoolhead at standard level

Firstly i dont encourage or condone speeding. Having said that hands up those of us who have NEVER exceeded the speed limit! There is a difference between exceeding the speed limit (within reason) and excessive speeding and driving like an idiot and endangering yourself and others.
The problem in this country or at least in WA is the ridiculous policy of "zero tolerance" with regard to speed limits. ADR permits a 10pct tolerance on speedometers and yet the police insist on no tolerance.
The two times i have ever been booked for speeding were (1) by a multinova at 73kph on a 70kph zone on Winthrop Ave and (2) 112kph on a 110kph on a road down South close to Margaret River. The last one i was clocked by laser just as i was overtaking a car which was doing about 100kph.
How accurate is your speedo? How accurate is police radar/laser? spot on? I checked my speedo reading today against my GPS speed reading and it is out by 3kph @50kph, ie. with the speedo showing 50kph the true reading is 53kph (this is a new car on stock wheels). Presumably the variation may be higher the faster you go, so even if i was travelling at 110kph on the Freeway i could get booked for speeding.
I have travelled extensively and lived in other parts of th world and it is normal practice for police NOT to book you unless you exceed the speed limit by a reasonable amount, usually 10pct over.
Also in many countries the police will post warnings a certain distance BEFORE they position laser/multinova. The purpose is to slow cars down and achieve the purpose of fostering road safety.
Here the police hide behind trees, lamp posts or around corners in some "invisible" spots. They post signage AFTER you have passed a multinova!!The purpose is clearly revenue raising.
The usefulness of laser jamming for a few secs is that it allows you to cut your speed fractionally to well within the limit. If you are travelling at excessive speeds you wont be able to slow down in time anyway, or it will be very obvious that you have some equipment onboard.
Having said that, instead of guessing or vague references, surely someone can point me to which piece of legislation states exactly that laser jamming is prohibited and what the penalties are for a breach of this rule.
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