Thread: Vodafail
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Old 24-04-2011, 02:55 PM
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Brett Allan Brett Allan is offline
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My phone has shat itself, went into vodaphone at joondalup today to try get new phone/new contract etc since im tired of my phone...I pay $45 a month for the Nokia 6760 slide with unlimited txt per month I was looking at getting a new one, either HTC Desire HD or the iphone 4....been in the contract for 13/24 months and to break out they wanted $500!!!!!!! or i could buy the HTC outright for $600....or remain in the contract with a broken phone...should have read the fine print, ended up buying the exact same phone outright for $99! and I am very happy, until it either breaks or i get money for new phone :P

2005 WRX STI
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