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Old 05-05-2011, 12:43 PM
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karina2009 karina2009 is offline
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firstly if its not your house, make sure your allowed to sub let or you need to put them on the lease.
Otherwise, Im renting and sharing rent with a freind and sister. I'm a bit of a neat freak so i like everything being spotless, but as for my sister and friend they make a total mess of the house.
Since theyve moved in with me the house has fallen apart, just something to look forward to and think about. noone will look after it as well as they would if it was their own place, but then again some people just dont give a shit either way.
So you need to find the right people really, or just expect the house to be run down and be prepared to be fixing it up, of course with their bond money but your time
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