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Old 15-05-2011, 04:38 PM
Sir AntiLag
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Originally Posted by subasurf View Post
No...there's no difference.
How to reply like a douche 101..... How do you figure that there is no difference??

So an idiot in a POS car that doesn't have the ability to handle well or stop easily when required driving around in traffic lighting tyres at every intersection; is the same as the usual shit that most (not all) respectable performance car drivers get, when they give there car a squirt from the lights, or come around a corner at speed without losing any traction....???

I would seriously beg to differ, IMHO Hoon's are broadcast in the media as pretty much anyone who either owns a performance car, drives like they own a performance car, drives their performance car like its a performance car, breaks traction at any time, turns a corner with more than 0.1G's of lateral force being used, brakes hard, turns in at the right time not so early or late you nearly hit the car in the opposite lane, doing skids, speeding, attempting to break the land speed record etc etc etc the list goes on...

Problem is that to me Hoon's are not the majority of people who own and drive performance cars and drive them spiritedly within the restrictions of the speed limits etc, going around a corner and actually feeling the weight shift and your suspension working isn't being a hoon, its driving your car. Accelerating from a set of lights without breaking traction at a decent pace to the speed limit or so, is just driving your car...

Both the Police and the Media are way too precious about this Hoon shit and should be looking out for the five imbosiles a week I see driving through red lights, or doing 90 in a 50 zone during peak time, etc etc...

Rant could go on for years.... just don't be such a naive c**t next time you post your blabber on a forum full of car enthusiasts that actually try to avoid the cops and media branding them as a bunch of Hoons........

So anyways, how is that baby you rescued Callum? any word on whether you're the father? lol!

P.S: good work on the bust, glad to see the cops responded so promptly and removed said retard from our roads for a while to think about how retarded he is!
Cheers Rob,
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