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Old 18-05-2011, 04:05 PM
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Giddyup Giddyup is offline
STI Master
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Giddyup at standard level

My kids when I get home from anywhere and they come running "Daddy Daddy Daddy" and all smash into your knees at once in one big hug.

Doing stuff on the car (even if it is changing the new wiper blades)

Doing stuff to the motorcycle

Buying new toys (baseball/softball gear, car stuff, anything) etc off the internet knowing that I saved a packet compared to the retail blood suckers

Sex (does not refer to the previous comment)

Having the wife in a happy mood :-)

Finishing a reno job at home, doing a mint job and thinking "Shit, I should charge people for this."
Respect Mya Authoritaaaaaa!!!

Last edited by Giddyup; 18-05-2011 at 04:07 PM. Reason: .......