Thread: F1 2011
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Old 09-07-2011, 05:16 PM
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Well its officially time for Charlie Whiting to cop a Bitch Slapping

Renault loose cold blowing concession

Due to lobbying from the engine manufacturers Merc powered cars were going to be able to maintain their throttle overrun firing of 4 cylinders ( Hot Blowing ) to reduce crank case pressures and give them control over engine braking. This gives them the ability to tune the stability under braking when Kers is harvesting energy.

Renault have always run high throttle openings to cool exhaust valves ( I believe it was 45% before blown diffusers ) and were to be given 50%. That has now been pulled. I don't know if they will be allowed to run the 45% or if they will be stuck with the 10% originally intended. If it is 10% then the Renaults are going to be hand grenades waiting to happen.

Funny how Mclaren get what they want but Red Bull gets screwed over and its all happening during an event where your out winging the solution.

The FIA is officially F^&ked. Just stop messing with shit and let the engineers ante up if they are off the pace!!!
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