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Old 23-09-2011, 01:47 PM
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Pimpreza Pimpreza is offline
Flat Four Father
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Pimpreza at standard level

I was in Bangkok last night, I'm in Krabi now & I think I've found Nirvana, much better than Kata where I was a couple of months ago just south of Phuket only had a quick look around here so far but good guest house with air & free wifi 400B $13ish & near new scooters 150B per day ($5) but what an incompetent bunch of cunts they are in the transport system here, hope you are flying.

When you are in BKK if you don't know about it go and find Cowboy St but leave the kids & Mrs at the hotel, 42 clubs in a row full of naked females with no pressure to stay or get ripped off, beer usually around 90B.

Now for my unhappy bit.

On Wed I had an overnight train booked to BKK from Chiang Mai in the north, I was due to leave at 2pm so I get there and was told train would be an hour late, now I have a connection from BKK 2 hours after arrival at 6 am for 8am departure, said train eventually leaves an hour later so transferring from one to the other is going to be tight, get woken at 6.30 in the morning by some little fat bitch yelling something in Thai up & down the carriages, so I figure great we've made up some time so next time she came past I said what time BKK...she says 9am FUCK!!! all she was doing was selling frigging coffee, I could have killed her.

Anyhow Just before BKK station the conductor asks if anyone was getting the connecting train south as they were holding it back for several passengers YAYY!!!, so we stop in the middle of the yard & he runs over the rubble with my over 20kg backpack & I've got my smaller one & another bag, after crossing about 5 lines he signals me to get on the train that was sitting there, I lug my shit on and realise it has no air con (which was paid for) so I show my ticket to one of the passengers & he signals the train isn't going there so I jump off thinking maybe my train was on the other side....nothing so I make my way to the platform & try to ask what is happening, of course the ticket seller couldn't speak English so he puts me on the phone to a woman, she tells me to catch the next train at 1pm .. 4hrs in sweltering heat at the wrong station, I tell her to get fucked several times as I'm not going to arrive in Krabe at 1am so eventually get my money back.

It's not over yet.........I find a taxi driver who has a smattering of English & ask him to take me to a cheap hotel, that way I can organise the next day on the net instead of winging it then I remember they have luxury buses that go all the way to Krabi (train stops 2 hours by bus short in another city) so I get him to take me to the bus stn (took 10min to explain to him but finally got through) so we rock up miles away at the south bus depot, taxi driver was great & came up with me to see about hopefully getting a soonish bus, it's 10am by now...........Next bus to Krabi 7pm grrrrrr so I ask about somewhere I can grab a room for a few hours, luckily there was a really tidy little place close, I had to pay for a full day but well worth the 600B $19ish, anyhow I asked the owner if he could take me up the goat track to the road near the depot at about 6pm (one way st about 250m away from stn) it was spitting rain so I stuck a plastic poncho over my too heavy wheeled backpack and headed down the road but the plastic poncho got caught in one of rhe wheels almost seizing it so I kept dragging it all the way over Thailand's lovely footpaths sweating like a bastard, I finally got there and luckily had a pocket knife so spent 20 min unwinding & cutting the shit from my wheel, finally freed it and went up the moving walkways to the departure sign that tells me I have to carry everything down 2 flights of stairs to get to the bus, eventually find platform 69/71 and some fat ex ladyboy tells me to put my luggage on the bus in 73, I point to my ticket showing it I was 69/71 not 73 but it said ok ok ok, now these double decker luxury buses are massive & the luggage door is about 1.3m high off the ground and I was totally fucked by now so I threw the monster bag up and luckily the guy asked for my ticket - no no wrong bus - F F FUCK so I ripped it down again & asked for an explanation of where I should be....71 like I thought & pointed out earlier, I could have killed someone by now but you don't do that here, the cops are nasty, anyhow finally got on & I have seat number 1 front top right side as I'd asked for a bigger seat because my legs usually get cramped on the short seating, well it was the worst seat in the house as the video monitor blocked the leg rest from fully extending but after that a pretty smooth ride and got here at about 7.30 this morning.................

So that's my rant over the last 46 hours of my life.
Beaten up old 98 Gen 2 Liberty, 13.0, stock V3 STI running gear.
07 Transit motor home
69 VF & 70 VG Valiants needing full restoration
Yamaha Zooma 50cc rocket hopefully going with the Transit.

Last edited by Pimpreza; 23-09-2011 at 02:02 PM.