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Old 20-07-2006, 12:19 PM
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Rexilla Rexilla is offline
Sir AntiLag
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Rexilla at standard level

it was relatively new procedure when i had mine done (1998) and there weren't any specialist in this area in perth (short sight population was small), so i had mine operation overseas. the surgeon did around 20 such procedures a day (at $6k a pop u do the math).

a bit blurry straight afterwards and sensitive to ANY light but had just about perfect vision the next day. had to wear some kind of eye patches at night to prevent accidental rubbing of my eyes for 2 weeks, couldn't expose eyes to any water (showering was a nightmare), can't go swimming for a month (goes without saying), had to do eye drops every night to promote healing of the cornia.

but after the initial 4 weeks it was great, i jump into any pool i come across without having to worry about my contacts (usually takes me half an hour to put on btw) or prescription goggles, no more breaking expensive glasses from playing basketball or other contact sport (i break 4 pairs annually on average, hi index ones too!)

word of advise, be prepared to watch ur cornia get sliced half open and when they tell u too look at the laser, do it without detracting anywhere else or u get blood shot eyeballs for days!
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