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Old 08-11-2011, 09:51 PM
LouieMos LouieMos is offline
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Originally Posted by trentisim View Post
Forgive me for sounding like a noob, but when your lights are on is there smaller lights on the inside, somewhat like fog lights? I may have seen it yesterday (around 4pm), went along Kelvin road, left onto Tonkin, then left onto welshpool after getting up to about 160 on the highway... I can't say I got the plates, so I can't be sure.. But they were standard plates on the car I seen.. So possibly? Sorry I couldn't be any more help.

I always had my lights on while driving. 8,500k HID globes (by memory) they're very bright and have a blue shade. But yeah there's the park lights and driving lights(HID) that would be on. I've had reports that it was getting thrashed around gosnells early this evening so the area kinda fits I'll right all this down and let the cops know tomorrow thank you all so much!!!!
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