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Old 12-11-2011, 04:40 PM
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MisstallicA MisstallicA is offline
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MisstallicA at standard level

Originally Posted by ALPHA View Post
I've calmed down.

Was out of line and I appologise. Had to fire 2 people on my crew and now I've gotta send the rest home because we don't have a full crew anymore.

No excuse.

Been there, done that, massive kudos for the appology.

After what I've seen first hand as a result of people not appreciating the responsibility of using their driving license, and what I've had to, and will most likely have to deal with for the rest of my life due to someone running a give way sign straight in to me earlier this year, I don't, and won't, take the concept of losing more than your first hit of demerits lightly, and even less so if someone's working out the best way work the points to avoid consequences.
(I get a little passionate about this, as you can see from the lack of correct punctuation )

Anyway, hope to catch up once more C-Vale catchups are up and running.

As far as I'm concerned, short of a life threatening emergency causing you to incur multiple penalties in one trip, there in no excuse for losing your licence.

If you get close 24 points, you go see a judge, then go get a Transperth smart-rider rather than risking other peoples safety.
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