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Old 24-11-2011, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Master D View Post
Think should sell his wrx. Sell his house, sell his assets, donate the money from the above to charity, live in a treehouse in the middle of nowhere & die like a lonely hobbit.

But dont use nails or shoes to construct it.
Dont wear clothes because we all know where they came from.
Dont use traditional medicene to cure your illness/s, guess what they have been kept it.

Live a life that will end up the same as everyone else.
You have missed the main point of my gripe so why don't you go back and read it again. You're all working to plunder our natural wealth and give it away to the Chinese Communist Party and don't seem to realise it. I say giving away because all China is giving us in return is paper money which soon wont be worth anything at all - that's ok with you is it genius? Australia needs those resources for the future.
blahh blahhblahh...