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Old 02-12-2011, 06:32 PM
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There appears to be mixed messages with what they are trying to achieve.

Protest against rape of children, and elderly, or due to home invasion etc, go for it, I support it.

Protest that it is your right to dress scantily, put yourself into dangerous, ambiguous situations, and then wonder why bad shit happens? Puuuhhlease. Theoretically, yes, you should be able to do this, however, reality check, bad people are out there and they do bad things. Don't get yourself into that situation. Idiots.
I'm sorry but this argument doesn't fly. Those bad people are going to rape people regardless of the clothes they where. Good looking chicks who like to show off their bodies are not putting themselves in a bad situation by wearing what they wear because said bad people are out to rape her whether she is wearing a three inch skirt and six inch heels or a track suit and runners.

Although I think this particular protest is typical WA coming to the party late and trying to catch up I totally agree with the sentiment. Also, I don't understand how any guy could be against this. If chicks want to wear skimpy clothing more power to them it means more eye candy for us and I know I can look at a hot chick without rape ever entering my mind.

The mindset that a woman brings rape on her self is patently ridiculous the only person to blame is the rapist.
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