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Old 16-12-2011, 06:20 PM
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wawa wawa is offline
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That's for the support guys my manager has been trying to work on a resolution and has reported on our behalf a month ago however the attempts at mediation did not go well. My manager had been trying to get the other Allied Health Managers to join with her and report in to this woman's manager together however the other Managers declined to be involved.

The reason I'm leaving it until Monday is so that I can go throuugh what I have written with my Manager to make sure I have worded it correctly annd not left any crucial info out. Its my hope that by me speaking out the other girls will also come forward. This woman has been at the workplace for around 20 years so holds a lot of sway witth the doctors and is experienced in some areas. The main problem is she thinks she knows everything better than the staff who are trained in specific areas and sees us as a threat to her.
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