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Old 18-01-2012, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Tiigga View Post
Fellow worker that works four days a week.. and has the gall to bludge on the rest off us at work.. said worker recently injured leg at other depot and has been lumbered on us.. and spasmaticly limps when ppl are around warehouse and in visual range..
Then when they think nobody is watching the fucking limp is gone or going for a numerous smoke break limp is gone.. They can drive a automatic car to work fine.. But when asked to drive the auto work ute to help out.. its omg they can't drive as the leg hurts..
And when given a URGENT order which has to be picked packed and freighted.. they put the URGENT order back n2 the tray and pick a different order.. And then deny they where even given the URGENT order grrrrrrrrrrr GOD DAMN LAZY FUCK
I have a similar problem at my work... some chick who injured her leg 1 year ago (!!!) but is still milking the compo...
She's at my store but I don't pay her... she is on 'office only' duties - which we don't really want to give her as we like to be organised and get things done properly - and she only has to work 4 hrs twice a week. In the last 6 weeks she has less than a 50% attendance. When she is at 'work', she is fine to walk around, make herself food etc, but when asked to help out by doing something simple, she says 'oh i can't, my leg... '

Needless to say I have said the right things to the right people and presto, she has suddenly started being useful.
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