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Old 10-02-2012, 05:59 PM
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Captain Awesome Captain Awesome is offline
WRX Hi Five Club
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Captain Awesome at standard level

Old people who stop what they are doing, and stare at me, every-god-damn-time I drive past.

No i'm not speeding,
No my music isn't loud,
No my exhaust isn't over the top
Stop staring at me assholes.

I have formulated many theories over time as to why this anomaly occurs, My latest research has lead me to believe that due to their lack of hearing, when somebody drives by in a car with some 'volume' to it, the noise causes a shock of sorts to their system, Sending them in to a state of hyper nosiness.

Though i've sold the Skyline, driving my STI, it is about 10x quieter and I still cop the stares. Back to the drawing board I go.