Thread: Water Pump?
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Old 12-03-2012, 09:34 AM
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Default Water Pump?

Uh oh, think I am in the shit - broke Shez's car.....

I was driving it on Saturday and after 5 minutes the temp gauge was red hot. I limped it home but it did drop down every now and then. I have read over loads of overheating posts to check the obvious. I have since checked the coolant level, oil level and made sure the thermostat is opening. The fans are working well too. I was about to give up when I heard a clack while it was running and the water pump stopped spinning. The belt was still connected and turning but the pump stopped. After a minute it clacked and started again then stopped etc.

Am I right in thinking this should be spinning all the time?

From what I could tell the shaft on the belt end was turning but the front of the pump was stationery, until it kicked back in again.

Does this mean the end of the pump or can it be repaired/adjusted?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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