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Old 13-03-2012, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by GTB Liberty View Post
Perth drivers . . . 15 minute drive to work:

1. Driver one drives up left hand side of line of cars turning right and proceeds to do a right hand turn across me turning right into the same road. NO MATE - I wasn't expecting you to do that and you have no right to abuse me for turning when what you did was completely against the law as well as being a fucked maneuver. What's worse is you drive a Subaru Sportswagon.

2. Driver 2 - those solid lines at traffic lights are there for a reason and YES you deserved every bit of abuse as I nearly mounted the curb evading you as you changed into the left hand lane. Your wave doesn't excuse you breaking the law. Did you notice that even with your 8-10 lane changes between then and the next set of lights you were no further in front than when you started? You sir are a commonwhore driving tool.

Seriously considering a camera to video traffic whilst I drive.
Ala: Australia's crankiest driver

I could fill hours of footage if I had one. I'd probably sound the same as this guy as well.....