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Old 29-03-2012, 08:40 PM
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doadrift doadrift is offline
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doadrift at standard level

Best bet is to go and check out the pounds, you will find the perfect dogs and some are so full they are doing 2 for 1 deals (Atleast there was a 2 for 1 kitten deal I heard about on the radio).
I got my kelpie from the pound and anyone will tell you pound dogs are by far the best, they know you have saved them, mine was going to be put down!
I honestly think breeding should be alot stricter with the amount of pups and kittens that get put down every week. ALWAYS check the pounds first, if you still cant find a dog you like then pay an outrageous breeder price.
Also you might be surprised, we went in looking for a small dog and ended up with a red cloud that everyone told us would be to energetic, how wrong they were! He just likes to lie around wherever we are and do what we are doing, watching tv or whatever he is chilled, if we go to the park and run around he runs around and plays. Problem with going to the pound though is that you want to take them all home haha!
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