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Old 24-04-2012, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ImPreSiV View Post
I must be old too then, because I agree.

Like the cops who accidentally killed the mother in Morley the other day. One has been stood down pending investigation. Had they not given chase and waited until the go ahead was given (they had requested permission 30second earlier) they would have lost the car. What are they supposed to do? Pull over and wait for permission? Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I can tell you right now, that intersection has LOADS of clear visibility. Had the lady driving been paying attention and not gasbagging to her daughter in the passenger seat (and most likely looking at her intead of the road / glancing around the intersection as she passed) she may have seen the cop car, with lights and sirens on coming from her right hand side. It was a patrol 4x4 ffs, bit hard to miss! Just speculation, maybe this wasn't the case, but we'll never know I guess.

Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for her, and its a terrible terrible accident, but I don't think the cops should be held at fault. They have to do their job, their job is to catch criminals, sometimes, there is collateral damage... sadly in this case, a life was lost, and it's not a fair trade off over a stolen car, but like I said, accidents happen every day!

Would be so hard to be a cop, no wonder so many of them leave the force
I know you have your flame suit on but with all due respect speak about someone who has just passed away with a bit more respect than making assumptions on their behalf suggesting that they were gasbagging to their daughter and most likely not looking at the road. A number of witnesses where forthcoming stating that there were no police lights nor sirens activated, so I would not be making comments until an investigation has been undertaken and the TRUE facts are known.

Just my 2cents anyway, not having a go just think that someone whos life was taken in tragic circumstances deserves a bit more respect than others making assumptions as to what happened.

In regards to the incident in Sydney well this is a problem that is not going away until Juvenile penalties are given a full overhaul. These little fucks need to be taught a good and proper lesson after they commit their first offence not simply a slap on the wrist and let off to do the same thing over and over and over again.

Last edited by holler; 24-04-2012 at 05:01 PM. Reason: Additional Comments.
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