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Old 03-05-2012, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by lad View Post
Ok genius maybe you can help me, after all I don't gain anything by being "one of his types" do I?

Unlike the numerous well scripted weasel responses from WA Health Minister Hames perhaps you'll answer these questions: Why was Fluoride added to the water supply in 1966 with no referendum and no human trials? Why has any opposition to the practice been met with a standard "it's safe and effective" ever since the 1966 water act brought it into law? Why was the act created only after it became illegal for industry top pump Fluoride directly into the atmosphere?

Why the fuck would anyone of sane mind want that shit added to the water supply? Go look up the chemical card genius, you can only handle the stuff in a full suit with resperator equipment. But I guess you know all this because you work for Perth water right?
What is a chemical card? MSDS would be the appropriate term.
More to the point, do you even know how to interpret information given about a chemical properly? Doesn't seem like it.

Anyway, what ever floats your boat, if you enjoy getting all upset about the flouride in the water, and the conspirosy that goes with it, go for it. But if you think the flouride is bad, check out this bad one....CLICK LINK HERE