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Old 09-05-2012, 09:54 AM
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Stifull Stifull is offline
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Stifull at standard level

Sti ... $4K saved for track days and goodies...58,000 is nothing ..If you buy the rex it will cost $4k more and then to get it to Sti spec, another $10Kmin brainer really..Why buy from a dealer anyway. You will get more for current car selling it privately, possibly up to 100% more and then also pay less for your Sti privately as well. You will probably come out at least $8-10K in front doing both privately depending on value of current car and that more than compensates for a warranty that excludes most parts and labor anyway..... Cheers..

PS...Don't just look at cars in WA.. There are a LOT for sale in Vic and other places and airfares are cheap as chips. We bought our daughters WRX in Vic..flew down and drove it back and still saves $3000 and had a nice road trip...
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