Thread: Cycling?
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Old 09-05-2012, 10:10 PM
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Joshiemitsu Joshiemitsu is offline
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Like I said, my point of view on cycling kit is one from a performance perspective- just trying to make a point that lycra serves a purpose, even if it's not to everyones taste.
I don't disagree, there are douchebag cyclists- but there are also douchebags everywhere else...
It's shit how the coffee shop weekend warrior/wankers- who are the pricks riding 3-4 abrest on a single lane road, give the decent cyclists a bad image.
Pisses me off even more when people tar everyone with the same brush, and decide it's up to them to 'teach us a lesson' and abuse/drive dangerously past us when were obeying road law.
However there is no way any cyclist should have to pay rego- what next, charge everyone "padestrian" fees for the priveledge of walking on pathways?
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