Thread: Siberian Husky
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Old 22-05-2012, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by SPEC IV View Post
I have two Huskies.... do your research on the breed they aren't for everyone!! So many peolple buy them and then when they findout they are not your typical dog they get rid of them.
Here are a few of their traits:
1. high prey drive (they love to chase, that means no parks that are not fenced in basically can't let them off the leash in an open area)
2. very intelligent = hard to train
3. WILL destroy your yard. They love to dig and chew.
4. WILL pull on the lead.

If your girlfriend wants a Husky because they are cute and wolf like wrong reason to get one.

Sorry for the rant, i've seen a lot of huskies bought for the wrong reasons. Just a bit of advice.

THIS ! V V True, I have had 2.

Be prepared for lots more housework as well they shed all over the place in summer. I mean really shed, start thinking about sweeping or vac every 2 days.

By no means are any of us trying to put you off, Owning one is hard work but very rewarding, just need to be in a position to put in the hard yards.
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