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Old 04-06-2012, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by DZENCI View Post
Why help the petroleum companies make profit and build up extra km's on your engine for nothing.
If he has insurance and the car has been reported stolen let the cops and the insurance take care of it. If you spot it report where you spotted it and I can guarantee the cops won't be onto it and it will be 10 suburbs away since you reported it.

The car was stolen and the owner was fooled by the buyer to have his car taken away that's a big fail on his behalf, obviously he won't be letting anyone test drive a car again without photographic ID or a snap shot behind the steering wheel and the keys out the ignition barrel when you're out.
I don't care who it is when they want to purchase a car off me I ask them for some valid ID before they are behind the wheel of my car, if they refuse to they can go and screwed.
Your car, your duty of care to keep it in safe hands when you have someone looking at buying it. It's not hard unless they pulled a knife on you than it's a different story.

Hoping it is found in one piece for old mate and that he will know what to do if he ever deals with buyers again.
Ok how do i say this without being rude....
I will do what i want and you can do what you want if i want to get off my ass and help someone find their car i will because i am sick and tired of all these nice cars being stolen by d**k heads and you can't always rely on the police. So i want to be involved in finding the car or at least helping with where they were last seen

And if you don't want to worry about then go ahead but others do care and i understand if the car is insured and the owner was selling it but if it was my car i would want to get it back and hope it goes to someone who would look after it not some douche who is going steal it and thrash it.

On the final note it is not the owners fault the car was stolen if someone had the plan to steal a car they would do anything to get it ,luckily the person was not violent but it could have been worse. I would say if your selling a car have a mate in the backseat just in case

End rant/
broken wannabe racecar
Wagon daily that has replaced said broken wannabe racecar

Last edited by Cat; 08-09-2012 at 01:59 PM.
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