Thread: New to WRX
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Old 26-06-2012, 08:53 PM
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Default New to WRX

Gday everyone. I have a few questions.
Ive pretty much spent my young adulthood modifying V8s, namely LS1s. Im now 30, and would like to try something different having done the v8 scene to death.
My first experience with a wrx was in my uncles MY99, which i absolutly fell in love with. Now, im looking at buying a wrx myself. But the model i want is the older GC8 shape (to me, that is what a WRX should look like)
A few things though. They are all getting on in the mileage. What are some of the things to look out for, and what would you consider (average mileage) for a 99 model. also, do they start having issues after the 100k mark.

Also, how modifiable are these models? I am a drag racer at heart, and may end up dabling with the circuit work eventually. But how difficult is it to get these models into the low 12 second, high 11 second bracket? i know back in the early 2000s it was very hard? but that was 12 years ago. have things changed?

any info that you can give a newbie would be much appreciated
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