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Old 14-07-2012, 04:35 AM
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[I 86 I] at standard level

Originally Posted by BXT View Post

Can anyone tell me who the target market is for this car?
Certainly not me or anyone I know.
- Young people who cant insure a turbo car, but can afford something new.
- Middle ages people who are going through a crisis, want a new car but cant afford a fezza/lambo.
- Those who want an affordable, RWD car that doesn't understeer, but can oversteer (read:non FWD)
- Those who like the seating position of a sports car without the price.
- Those who have already owned plenty of wrx's/skylines/**insert internet forum approved import car** and now just want something that is fun to drive on noise, doesn't get you pinged by a camera 30sec down the road and is easy to drive.
- Those who just want something different to drive than what's on the market now.

Its not hard to see why there is a market for them, even though every performance forum shuns these cars cause they don't have 300KW of power, Bentley spec interior and drive like a fezza!!

They hype is purely because no manufacturer has gone out and produced a compact, affordable, RWD in the past what, 12+years??
Give this car another 100kw with turbo, plush interior and you would be looking at another $10k+ ontop of the price. Which puts it into a category that compares it to alot more range of vehicle for price (wrx, ralliart lancer, mx5, etc etc)...which isn't where this car needs to sit.

Will I miss having the midrange poke of the wrx and the feel of boost...yep damn right! But if I wanted that, i'd have kept my wrx.
Will they get riced up? Yep no doubt, just like every other make of car out there. (Just look at some of the cars on this forum)

- Its a cheap NEW rwd platform car.
- PLENTY of aftermarket support for those who want to mod
- Its simple to maintain (read:non high maintenance)
- They have some kind of exclusivity due to the lack of availability = wont see one every 5mins on the road.
09 Evo X
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