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Old 26-07-2012, 01:20 PM
row011 row011 is offline
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Originally Posted by pete gopal View Post
Can someone with bit of knowledge explain this to me, with handheld lasers you only get notified when the cop is measuring your speed?
The Laser Beam from a handheld laser gun is also very narrow in circumference, you are not always guaranteed an alert from the V1 radar detector if the office shoots the car's in front of you.

There have also been circumstances where the officer shoots your car with the police laser gun and no alert is received, as it may have been at a fairly close distance, the laser beam was not scattered or did not spread to reach your radar detector's receiver which is located no where near your grill.

A laser protector such as the LI or HP-905 uses sensors which mount in your grill to detect and prevent instant speed readings from occurring on your car. The new Hp-905 uses the smallest laser diode heads on the market.