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Old 22-10-2012, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Boxer25 View Post
i see... Vettel scores a 3 in a row and everyone loses the power of speech? cmon guys, credit where its due, the boys good.

Hands down would have prefered it being Webber but still a handful of races remaninng and the RB8 is showing its momentun again so is our boy.

Good on Dan for finishing in the points again. I hope this time next year Dan is fininshing inthe top 5 and can give our Webber a break to move to another team as a Number 1 driver.

I must say, Vettel does know how to crack a SAD!!!
^^lol. I very much doubt that is the reason for lack of chat, agree with the rest of your post though

Originally Posted by teejay View Post
BUT - fast doesnt make the cut - you need to be complete. Top 5 there -
Agree with this list, although not sure exactly where Vettel would fit in the fastest outright category...he is definitely very talented but I'd have to see how he went in the Torro Rosso (I.e.- crapper car) before I make a proper judgement call on that. Case in point is the first third of this year when Webber was just as quick in the same car before all the upgrades arrived.
I personally think Alonso is (atm at least) easily the leading driver in regards to getting the most out of his car/situations he finds himself in. A lot of this comes down to mentality I reckon, he seems very aware of what he and the car are capable of and doesn't put himself in too many compromising situations.
I think once Hamilton adds a bit more of this to his skill-set he will definitely be right up there in the championship again. For my mind he still is a bit impatient with some of his overtaking attempts...although in saying that he is the most entertaining to watch and he does pull off A LOT of overtakes I wouldn't have though possible lol As for the sooking, I think he has actually been alright this year, sure he has sooked some times but they all do (apart from Ricci ) and during the races you can definitely tell he is still trying to achieve his maximum.

Anyway that is my 2c and sorry for the tl;dr.
Looking forward to the final few races!!
Now handles like a cat on carpet
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