Thread: ecu issues
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Old 04-12-2012, 01:28 AM
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wow so many cunts on this forum. Most of which it seems havent even read theis thread as they are having a go at me and calling me and idiot for things that i have already explained.

I was fucked over by one of these workshops, and due to the fact that i dont understand tuning enough i cant figure out who. This is why i posted up on the forum with consent from both parties.

Im sure if anybody else was in this situation, they would be just as pissed as i am. And i wouldnt be pursuing this if i dont believe i deserve a refund.

I would have waited and taken it back to asg if they didnt fuck me over last time when i had my 06 sti and try to charge me ridiculous amounts of money. I also had a few other little bits and pieces to do ( like weld a snapped exhaust bracket), that i asked asg to do when i got it tuned. But it came back not done. Evo R seemed happy to do these things. I also wanted to drive the car asap and seemed like a reputable workshop from other people on the forum and previous experiences.

Evo R has told me that asg tuned it on a fucked afm and needed a retune. I obviously wouldnt have paid for a retune if evo R told me it needed it. Hence why i asked for a refund.

Asg told me that the tune was fine and if the afm was fucked and it was replaced, it wouldnt have needed a retune. Hence why they wont give me a refund.

Dont know who to believe and i doubt i will get my money back from either workshop. I have accepted this and does not bother me. But can anyone blame me for trying to get some money back? Im sure all of you cunts would have done exactly the same thing.

To everyone who had a go at me for posting this here, I had already spoken to both workshops and they were ok with it before anything was posted up. As they both believe they are right, when actual fact one of them is lying.

At at least all you guys know what is going on with apparently reputable workshops.

Originally Posted by Jordiee View Post
christ almighty, riceman this is a grade A fuckup by you m8tey, you need to sort your shit out, what on earth makes you think you have the right to post up various workshop correspondence for every man and his dog to take pot shots at? it's not meant for anyone else but you.

all the shit you post up is not proving anything and serves 0 purpose, talk is cheap and none of us have been physically involved or directly observed anything.

this thread needs to be nuked, cleaned up and riceman needs a good spanking, stop going toilet all over our forums

welcome to turbo cars
Obviously you didnt read the part where they both consented for me to post on here, otherwise i wouldnt have done it. Nic actually called me on my phone and told me to post up the emails he sent me, which i did.

The purpose of posting this up is so other can see the graphs as i dont fully understand them, also they can see what has been happening and can make there decision where they take their own cars.

Originally Posted by BALISTC View Post
What fucking restrictor.. there was a 3 port solenoid installed!

Car was driven, or was it towed? No one can even get their facts straight here..

This situation has more holes in it than a well baked ciabatta loaf.

Moral of the story is:

1. You want to play, you have to pay. I popped a new crate motor on Sean's dyno. It spun a bearing on its first ever power run. Boohoo, did I cry about it? I did. but not at Sean, because he wasn't responsible. It just the way it fucking goes with modified cars. You're having a sad over an AFM and having your tune tweaked... what the fuck bro, if that's the worst you'll ever experience with your modded car, you're doing really well.

2. Don't put workshops against each other, whether its in words on the forum, or by getting work done back to back at each then trying to pin a maofunction on one of them.

3. If you're unhappy with someone, go to them first before fucking with them in a public forum. That goes for ANY business or any individual. Any mediation scenario in any environment in any part of the world always starts with going back to the individuals involved and trying to nut out a solution to the problem, before taking further steps.
1 - I realize this and obviously i have paid. But from the information i was given from evo R. It seemed that asg had fucked up, whats wrong with asking for a refund on a service that I was advised was faulty.

2 - I am not putting workshops against each other, they have seemed to do this by themself as neither is taking the blame, when clearly one of the, fucked up.

3 - As previously stated i had spoken to both of them before i was advised to post it up on here by both parties.

Originally Posted by apg39 View Post
If I become a vendor can I just spin shit too with no repercussions?

Why didn't Maooo just replace afm & let you sort out tuning issues with ASG?

Oh thats right, you paid him more money to 'retune' it.
I paid him money to retune it, because he told me the current tune was fucked. If you were told that you would have done the same.

Originally Posted by teejay View Post
Are you actually fucking retarded?

You purchased a second fucking hand power fc - how many cars, tunes, idiots has it been through?

Bought a previously modified car, how many hands has it been through, hacked, fucked with it etc.

You expect a refund for a tune which worked? The tune didnt fail, a part not supplied or touched by asg did.

You then got another shop to touch the car, so asg could never verify if the work they did was cosher. If they DID fuck the boost tee, meh its not a fatal flaw. Dont hang that as a point of reference to bag them out because your a tight ass.

If you are broke after paying for a tune, dont play with modified cars. Simple as that.

Too much sniffing of that gay fucking paint you painted your exhaust with.
Im not going to reply to this because obviously you haven't read it all properly therefore are in no position to judge especially since your being a cunt.

Obviously i am not going to get my money back. Other beware. I am happy for mods to lock this thread before somebody gets shot.
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