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Old 20-12-2012, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by 98kellrs View Post
Given that this is a daily, and you use it for occasional motorsport what I would be genuinely concerned about is the 'fuckwit factor'.

It would take one fuckwit (of the thousands on Perth roads) to smash into your car, or indeed one mistake on a track day, to write the whole car off. I'm guessing the insurance value is somewhere around $10K.

Fair enough spend $8K on a decent donk, but if you lost that in a single head on smash, what then? Part of the reason a later model build is a better idea for a build is because if you crashed it, at least you'd get $25k-30k back in which to take stock, and buy something else.

The alternative is to insure your car for way more than it's worth of course..

Not having a go, it's not my money, but just make sure you've thought about that.
everyone everyday takes that risk there are always idiots on the road its unavoidable but i would hope i wouldn't crash it or have someone ram me off the road so once the conversion is done i'll insure it for as much as possible.

Originally Posted by Jezza View Post
Having done a build on my almost worthless GC - I can see where these guys are coming from. I could've sold, and bought an 05 STi. But I didn't like how the GDs felt or drove.

I like the simplicity of my model. The feel of the car. I'd owned it for 4yrs before I built it, put 80 000kms on it and taken it around WA. My car is my pride and joy, I wouldn't sell it for double what it's worth. I've sunk over 45k in total into it, including purchase price - and wouldn't change that if I was given the option. It's probably worth 15k now, if that.
I know the history of my car, and everything that has gone onto/into it.

Pipe dreams can be silly - but they can also be a reality, if you want it enough. Recently I read all my initial posts in 2008 about what I wanted to do with the car. And as unrealistic as they were at the time, they have all become a reality.

So give Kat some slack - her car is obviously her passion, and even if what she wants to do seems unrealistic or stupid, it's her choice and her responsibility. Most of the time the journey is more important than the end result. Motorsport and cars are not a cheap hobby, whatever way you look at it.

That said, 300hp cannot be done on a 2L without bulk lag and a big turbo, ie TD06.
250-280 is plenty of power for a GC anyway.
i like the gc's to because of the simplicity and also the look and considering that i've now had my car for 2 years this hasn't been a quick decision i've thought about for some time, weighed the positives against the negatives and have decided accordingly.

Originally Posted by Joshiemitsu View Post
At risk of throwing fuel on the fire here, but from someone who has actually done the conversion themselves- my 2c:

DO IT IF YOU WANT TO- like everyone is saying, all the negatives have been pointed out, and if you aren't deterred yet, there's not much anyone can say that will change your mind. Just don't whinge and whine later down the track when what you were warned of happens...

DO IT PROPERLY- don't try and cut corners, get professionals to do work you aren't confident with. But be prepared to pay for their services- I can't stress enough that you WILL run into costs you didn't expect.

You need to realize it will never be a legit STi or WRX or whatever you plan on turning it in to- and be prepared for people to remind you of that ALOT, whether they do it to infer offense or not is beside the point, it will happen.

I don't regret doing it- and I wasn't a part of these forums before I had made my mind up and spoken to PROFESSIONALS(not just forum peeps) about all the pro's and con's of such a project. It was my first project car, and in hindsight there are things I would have done differently. But I knew this would be the case and I did it as much for the learning experience as I did it to end up with the car I have now.

If i could keep the experience i gained, but go back to having X amount of $'s in my account I would buy an 03-05 WRX and do the usual mods - VF38, PW IC, tune, body work, LOW & rims etc... but hey that's just me.

Listen, don't listen- it doesn't matter- you will learn either way.
yes it will be done properly, if i don't know how to do something i'll get someone who does.Even if people keep telling me it's not a real sti i'm sure they won't be saying that when they get passed by it

Originally Posted by teejay View Post
Thats just your opinion

I can say what I say because I have been there and done that.

Out of my 4 Subaru's, 3 have been conversions. Ive burned 1/3 of an triplex in middle class Perth on Subaru's, fuck I wish Id bought one good one and kept it.

The ONLY reason my wagon sold so easily was because it had just had ~12k (retail) of panel and paint, plus all the interior etc.

End of the day it was still a LX Wagon.
i understand that teejay as you are the guru when it comes to converted cars but once this has been converted that is the majority of the cost then i'll just get the tune,respray and bits and pieces to finish it off. What i have said before is that i don't care about resale value because i do not want to sell it.

i'm pretty sure this is my good one that i will keep and enjoy for years and years to come
broken wannabe racecar
Wagon daily that has replaced said broken wannabe racecar
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