Thread: Cops on strike?
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Old 04-09-2006, 09:53 PM
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For fuck sake!!!!

This shit keeps getting bounced around the forum over and over again.

YES....... Our justice system is fucked, if we had decent magistrates, our job would be a whole lot easier except, "Sorry Mrs Pensioner, I know this 11 year old broke into your house, stole all your money, assaulted you giving you a busted hip, but he is just misunderstood. As a result, I will refer him to a Juvenile Justice Team where he can front a panel of his piers and discuss what has happened. BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for working half the year, what drugs you on???? We get 6 weeks a year which works out to be really the 4 weeks everyone else gets plus the 2 weeks of combined public holidays. So really, we get the same as you. As for the sick days:
1) You DO have to be sick.
2) You do have to provide a medical note EVERY time you are sick.

It's just not a matter of< "Ahh, I can't be arsed today, I'll just ring the boss and pull a sicky."

As for the job, yeah most wouldn't have a clue what we do. Joe public is asleep at 3am when we are out jumping fences after some non-reflective who just finished stealing 2 cars, getting into a pursuit and then assaulting 3 coppers before getting sprayed and tazered!

We deal with drop kicks all the time, in the past 48 hours, I have wrestled 5 people and arrested them, borderline popped my shoulder out, pulled my glock on a idiot with scissors and my partner popped her knee which she already had one knee recon already. To whoever thinks they can do it better, STEP UP!!!!!
Respect Mya Authoritaaaaaa!!!
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