Thread: Cops on strike?
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Old 04-09-2006, 09:54 PM
AC Schnitzer AC Schnitzer is offline
Sir AntiLag
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"Some", "Most", "Majority" of the "Cops", "Stations" don't do fuck all.

Just do a survey in Bentley and you'll know why. Break Ins in Bentley is like an everyday event. "Very Normal" as my friend puts it. (There may be other areas, but its countless to list them.)

Do they deserve higher pay ? IMO, they should be glad I'm not incharge because I would have severely reduce it.

After all like most people said. You signed the contract, you know how much it pays, so don't complain about it. If the police are complaining about fucking pay rise just because a few of them got beat up pretty badly, should the Australian Army demand a pay rise considering how many Mothers send their Sons into Iraq and receive them back in Body Bags ?
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