Thread: mods and pits
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Old 07-03-2013, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by zver333 View Post
If you don't mind I would like to hear the full story. I intended to put coilovers on the wrx before going to the pits because they are in perfect condition vs the struts and lower coils currently fitted. A suspension upgrade with legal ride high should be encouraged not discouraged for performance car. What needs to be done to get them engineered.

Also, if an engineer has engineered a certain type (brand/model) of coilover in the past why do they need to engineer the bloody thing again? database of approved brands would be a good idea.
Well heres my story, whether it's the same for everyone i don't know but i would suspect it.

- got sticker, thought meh can clear with coilovers.. why not! its not even slammed either!
- inspector said its not too low but he really wants to pass me but he'll lose his job with how strict it is on coilovers at the moment
- showed me the document: pretty much saying all inspection agencies are going to get reemed if they pass a single car with coilovers and no engineers cert.
- gave me the phone number for Vehicle Safety Services welshpool (who authorise mods) advised good luck calling them though you shuold write to them.
- called them up, sat on hold for 20minutes got transferred 4 times total and eventually someone (narky bitch) told me the process for what ill need to do and it was this:
*Print application off
*Mail in to vehicle safety services (snail mail only)
*Wait for confirmation and then they will review it and send an approval in principal (assuming your request/modification is 100% within specification)
*Once you get an approval in principal you can 'apply' the modification to the car legally
* you then have a specific timeframe to get to a licenced engineer which will cost you additional money to your initial pre-approval application
* the engineer will review the modification in full and if approved will provide you with another certificate stating it's all good - this will cost you additional money also
* you can then take this certificate when you go to get the yellow sticker removed and they will pass this aspect of the modification/s.

Honestly its probably not a nightmare of running around if you love/care about your car enough but I tend to go through cars quite often and considering if you're anything like me you return the car to stock to sell it, you probably don't want to waste this much time/money on it. Also the biggest "nah im not doing this" to me was the fact that this doesnt take into account if you've already got a yellow, you're under the pump time wise as it is.... if you havnt been stickered yet then may be less effort required haha

Oh and i forgot to add (but i said previously) inspector told me dont waste your time trying to engineer it if the coilover winds down to the point where your car will be 100mm or less from the ground.

Last edited by chevZ; 07-03-2013 at 08:33 PM.
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