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Old 28-03-2013, 11:03 AM
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Tony Tony is offline
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Originally Posted by V3 RA View Post
LOL at 'proper diet'

Don't be slack and cook your own meals, it takes me less than 45 minutes to prep 4 meals for a day. If you don't know anything about nutrition, LEARN. You're gonna be eating for the rest of your life, so it might pay to know a thing or two about what you should be eating.

Get of your high horse. For people with bad eating routines, just learning about nutrition can take awhile before you know enough for it to actually work. Lite and easy give you set meals and lunchs at a certian calory level. Just from being on this for a week i have learned more than i have reading bits and pieces. I cant wait to be cooking my own meals and shit again, but the blunt fact is, i have no fucking idea about proper nutrition yet, so lite and easy is helping me loose weight whilst i learn what is going on.

So far, the biggest difference to my diet has been no soft drink, alcohol, and my meal sizes are smaller, most noticably are the lunch portions. Ive also be doing my riding and running as i normally would which helps i guess. But at the ned of the day im only after a 15kg loss, not a 52kg loss like the others above me.
The one perkent...