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Old 18-04-2013, 01:15 AM
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ALEX. ALEX. is offline
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ALEX. knows their stuff

Originally Posted by TROLLEY View Post
Can you do them in the old/original style text?
Originally Posted by aC- View Post
I am definitely backing the old style!
Just after the great Pdiddy sticker market crash of 2011 (due to the new sticker design release), I made sure to get a hold of a couple of the originals. You know. For insurance.

Today they can sell on the black market for $100 and more (see example below).

And they'll only go up in price! So I suggest you all get on it while you can.
If you'd like one, I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy. And that guy is not TJ. So hit me up. I can do you a deal for a c-note.

Originally Posted by baylee View Post
...get some done up for top of the front & or rear windscreens that has a black underlay that is say 6-8 inches high..? Like a sun visor setup...
Like I had? It was on for years with no problems. Then a cop claimed it was too low. Pits said my wipers would scrape on it, get caught, rip it off at 240km/h (coz you know, I always drive my rex that fast), get all visually distracted, spin out and destroy my car, my life, and a superfluity of nuns strolling nearby (legit: collection of nuns is called a superfluity. Cool name). So it had to come off. Muchos gheyos.

[COLOR="Blue"]"Your car positioning and awareness is f*ing bang on. And like, every single time.
In terms of getting that close to the bollards, Ive only been with one other person that can drive like that" –Franz[/COLOR]
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