Thread: Targa West 2013
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Old 17-08-2013, 06:13 PM
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What a day!! Firstly thanks to the guys that came out to help me run Coondle Highlands. Its my first time in the stage commander role and I hope/doubt it will be my last!

First stage was running great until we had to get a vet into a horse. In the end after we had a second vet rock up which completely throw us and the rally off, Rally Base made the call to turn it into a road section. in the end both vets said it wasn't worth the call, but we did what needed to be done at that point in time

Between runs I had to pull one of the SOS guys out that got stuck in the mud at stop.

Second running didnt even get started before we had sheep somehow get loose onto the stage and causing havoc to 0A. This held us up for 5 min.

And once the stage had got running there was a medical emergency on Toodyay I believe which held cars up for 15 min, so the gap followed on to our stage but we were able to deal with it and keep going so once again, big thanks to the stage team for that.

Looking forward to Malaga tomorrow

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