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Old 07-01-2016, 01:14 PM
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red dragon2002 red dragon2002 is offline
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Didn't want to make a new thread so...

We have a 13 week old german sherpherd girl who is amazing!

She is the best pup ever and has only gone to the toilet once in the house on the first day.

So here is the problem, I have been on holiday for the last two months however I start to put the pup out the house and into backyard with the house mates puppy at 630AM (when I will be leaving to work eventually).

She barks and its not consistent its just the one loud bark every 15 minutes (sometimes up to 5 loud barks an hour never in a row though) and I know its harmless because she is just playing with the other dog however will she grow out of this I really don't want to annoy the neighbours.

It is hard to ramify her behaviour because I am running out and saying no! but she has already stopped barking. Sometimes I will sit outside for ages waiting for her to bark and then tell her no which she understands however when I am gone she will continue loud play.

I have taught her to bark on command and quiet however this hasn't prevented her one loud barking.

Any ideas? This morning I did frozen cubes for each of the dog and that kept them quiet for 30 minutes so I went outside did another frozen cube with meat and again that kept them quiet but once all melted they went back to playing and my dog would do her loud bark.

So far most mornings have failed and I have had to bring my dog back inside so the neighbours can get some sleep. She is definitely not barking to come inside because she wants to play so I am not rewarding her for her barking behaviour.

It is also only in the morning at around 10am they get bored of each other and just play normally. Any kind help would be appreciated I don't want my neighbours to complain to the council. Thanks!
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